about us

Newo (pronounced NAY-wo) strives to be a deeply intentional organization. Our mission is to share abundance (Weyotan) through harmonious relationships (Wahkohtowin), and these foundational Cree principles guide our business practices:

about us

Newo (pronounced NAY-wo) strives to be a deeply intentional organization. Our mission is to share abundance (Weyotan) through harmonious relationships (Wahkohtowin), and these foundational Cree principles guide our business practices:


“We are all kin.” There are interwoven relationships between people, land, plants and animals, and our sense of responsibility to each other, our kinship ties, should determine our actions in the world and build foundations for our life together.


“It is rich, it is in abundant supply, it is a wealthy time.” From West-Coast potlatches to giveaways on the Prairies and by the Great Lakes, giving has been a foundation for community prosperity for centuries. For the Plains Cree, wêyôtan is the type of wealth that comes from generosity.