Faithful Footprints

Helping the United Church of Canada reduce its carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050

Faithful Footprints

Helping the United Church of Canada reduce its carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050

What is Faithful Footprints?

The United Church of Canada’s Faithful Footprints (FF) program provides up to $30K in grants towards energy conservation and renewable energy projects to help UCC communities of faith lower their energy bills, reduce their environmental footprints, and live out the UCC’s climate commitments.

Faithful Footprints grants may cover the following:

  • Insulating attics/walls
  • Major air sealing (caulking/ weatherstripping)
  • Converting to LED lights
  • Installing energy-efficient heating/cooling systems
  • Upgrading windows
  • New Energy Star appliances
  • Installing solar

Newo serves as FF Regional Support Centre for Western Canada (AB, BC & Yukon), helping churches navigate the FF grant. We are a non-profit social enterprise exploring ways to share abundance (wêyôtan) and foster kinship (wahkohtowin). Our services include solar installations, energy audits, and education.

What can Newo offer your church?

Environmental engagement

We’ll work with you to determine what solutions would best engage your congregation in the work of reducing emissions and addressing climate change. Possibilities include:

  • Eco-conscious resources for your congregation
  • A presentation about the FF program
  • A guest sermon or facilitated round-circle that explores topics such as reconciliation or environmental stewardship
  • Something else? Reach out and we can discuss!
Free walk-through energy assessment*

Our certified energy auditors:

  • Walk through your facility, observing equipment and infrastructure
  • Speak with key staff members about your operations and vision
  • Provide a brief report outlining energy-saving opportunities and recommendations
  • Present these findings to your congregation, board, or green committee (if requested)

*There are a limited number of free assessments available. Contact us today to secure one!

watch our webinar

Grants and rebates

Faith buildings in Alberta and British Columbia are eligible to apply for provincial and municipal incentive programs, which are a great way to find matching funds to support your Faithful Footprints application. You can work with your regional support centre team and energy auditor to determine which government incentives might be applicable to your project.

Top image credit: Brian Ferguson

To find out more about the program, connect with your regional coordinator, Nicole:

Nicole grew up attending the United Church in Edmonton. A graduate of NAIT’s alternative energy program, she joined Newo as an energy auditor and Faithful Footprints lead. To this role, Nicole brings expertise in energy efficiency and enthusiasm for helping churches improve their buildings, meet emissions goals and continue to make a positive impact on their communities.

completed projects