Nov 4, 2022 | Newo team, Pinned
By Cari Kilmartin Lisa’s passion for green energy is rooted in making the world a better place for her grandbabies, Anastasia and Zavier. She is currently studying to become an energy advisor with Newo’s energy audit branch. life story so far Lisa grew up...
Aug 4, 2022 | community connections, Pinned
“Cry, cry if you must, but do not complain. The path has chosen you, and in the end you will say, ‘Thank you.’” Jack Ross is sitting in a wheelchair, afternoon light filtering into his living room through the snow-capped spruce trees surrounding his home north of...
Jul 4, 2022 | News, Pinned
Raj tells the Emerald Award audience, “How we act in the world begins at home in our hearts.” By Cari Kilmartin & Kaz Haykowsky Early this June, Newo received an Alberta-wide environmental accolade: the Emerald Award, given to organizations and individuals...