On goldenrod and asters

On goldenrod and asters

A perfect evening in the Stoney Creek Valley; the sun’s path bends toward the horizon, casting a golden glow, the mosquitos are mercifully few. A small group of people moves along a grassy path, observing the flora that populate Camrose’s riparian area. The occasion...
Balancing cultivation and conservation

Balancing cultivation and conservation

By Don Ruzicka If the grouse could smile, and maybe they can, I think that they would be grateful that 2019 was designated as the Year of the Grouse. This initiative brought back memories of when I was a kid growing up on the family farm in the 1950s. My grandparents...
Get to know: Gino

Get to know: Gino

Gino Genson is the co-founder and business lead at Re(source), a carbon offset development company that helps homeowners sell their solar-PV carbon offsets.  life story so far Gino Genson was born in the Philippines, in Iloilo City, the fifth of seven children. His...
Blind sense, and sensibility captured

Blind sense, and sensibility captured

By Cari Kilmartin Alright, I’ll just come right out and say it — I am not a good photographer. In theory, I trust my taste and eye, but the technological side of photography has always stumped me. I’ve never been able to pay attention long enough to grasp the art of...
Wétiko, scarcity and recognizing abundance

Wétiko, scarcity and recognizing abundance

Illustration by Kelaena Maude By Sebastien Rioux In August of last year, Mount Royal University’s Institute for Community Prosperity reached out to Newo to see if we would be interested in being a community partner to a student fellow from their Catamount Fellowship...